We found a fake test report, which is claimed by Egood partition products Co. Ltd. that the report is issued by us (ATSL) in their website http://www.egoodgd.cn/ (The homepage of Egood partition products Co. Ltd.). The fake test report is a laboratory sound transmission loss test report for operable partition. The claimed test report number is ATS11-075-RP012 and it cannot be found in our record. The Company (Egood) has removed the fake report from their website immediately after we made a phone call to them. We believed that it is an isolated incident. However, if any parties, such as contractors, consultants and architects etc., have received any suspicious reports, we are very welcome to receive your enquiry to verify the authenticity of such reports.
我們在广东一固隔断制品有限公司的網站中 http://www.egoodgd.cn/ 找到了一份聲稱是由我們 (聲學測試服務有限公司) 發出的假報告. 該份假報告是一份有關於活動屏風的實驗室隔聲測試報告並擁有報告編號為 ATS11-075-RP012, 但在我們的記錄中找不到該報告的任何記錄. 經我們致電該公司澄清後, 广东一固隔断制品有限公司立刻從其公司的網站中移除了該份假報告. 我們相信此為個別事件. 但如任何人仕, 如承建商, 項目顧問或建築師等對任何收到的聲稱由我們發出的報告有懷疑, 歡迎致電或電郵我們查詢該報告的真實性.
Acoustic Testing Services Limited (ATSL) 聲學測試服務有限公司
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